
Fundação Ricardo do Espírito Santo Silva

rekomandohet nga 34 vendas,
90 R. São Tomé
Lisboa, Lisboa

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November 17, 2014
In addition to the Museum of Decorative Arts, the Foundation has 18 art workshops and Portuguese traditional crafts that keep alive an important intangible heritage of know-how.
Original Expectation, Lda
March 23, 2019
It is only 1,6 km from hotel Vila Queirós. The Ricardo Espirito Santo Foundation collection Situated in a corner of Miradouro das Portas do Sol in the 17th century Azurara Palace, this brilliant museum gives a picture of aristocratic life in the 18-19th centuries. Outside, in front of the museum, the Largo das Portas do Sol ("doorway to the sun") miradouro (viewpoint) affords a stunning panorama of the neighborhood and River Tagus.
It is only 1,6 km from hotel Vila Queirós. The Ricardo Espirito Santo Foundation collection Situated in a corner of Miradouro das Portas do Sol in the 17th century Azurara Palace, this brilliant museum gives a picture of aristocratic life in the 18-19th centuries. Outside, in front o…
June 13, 2018
Small intimate museum in Alfama with a great collection of decorative arts.
André, Ricardo & Luís
January 11, 2012
Portuguese Decorative Arts Museum
January 14, 2020
The Ricardo do Espírito Santo Silva Foundation is a prestigious reference in the dissemination and preservation of the know-how of Portuguese decorative arts.

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