Stacion autobusi

Museu Militar station

rekomandohet nga 15 vendas,
Lisbon, Lisbon

Sugjerime nga vendasit

Original Expectation, Lda
March 23, 2019
It is only 2 km from hotel Vila Queirós. It has large collection of artillery and war-related pieces, among others an extensive display of guns, pistols and swords. Highlight for the rich Baroque decoration with ceilings with 18th century paintings on military themes and battle scenes and also tiled panels, from the most historic battles since the Christian Reconquest period to World War I.t
It is only 2 km from hotel Vila Queirós. It has large collection of artillery and war-related pieces, among others an extensive display of guns, pistols and swords. Highlight for the rich Baroque decoration with ceilings with 18th century paintings on military themes and battle scenes and also tiled…
Pedro Mendes
April 25, 2022
It has ample collection of artillery and war-related pieces, among others an extensive display of guns, pistols, and swords. Highlight for the rich Baroque decoration with ceilings with 18th century paintings on military themes and battle scenes and also tiled panels, from the most historic battles since the Christian Reconquest period to World War I.
June 28, 2016
2 minutes walking down the street: Bus 712, 734, 728

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Shëtitje me varkë me vela në lumin Tagus
Kjo është SINTRA - një ditë për t 'u mbajtur mend !
Lundrim me vela në Lisbonë me histori dhe verë

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