Sugjerimet do të shfaqen pasi të kesh shkruar të dhënat e kërkimit. Përdor shigjetat lart e poshtë për t'i shqyrtuar. Shtyp "enter" për të zgjedhur. Nëse përzgjedhja është një frazë, kjo frazë do të dërgohet për kërkim. Nëse sugjerimi është një link, shfletuesi do të shkojë në atë faqe.

Desert Hot Springs, CA

When deciding whether to become an Airbnb Host, it is important for you to understand the laws in your region or city. As a platform and online marketplace we do not provide legal advice, but we want to provide resources that may help you better understand applicable laws and regulations. This list is not exhaustive, but it may give you a good start in understanding your local laws. If you have questions, visit the short-term rental homepage or other government agencies directly, or consult a local lawyer or tax professional.

Short-term rental regulations

Hosts in Desert Hot Springs are required to obtain a Vacation Rental Permit to host short-term stays (fewer than 30 days). See full ordinance here. A few listing types are exempt from registering as short-term rentals:

  • Bookings under 10 nights in a calendar year only require a business license
  • Long-term stay listings only require a business license
  • Hotels and motels

Apply for a permit here.

Si ta shtosh në listim Lejen e qiradhënies për pushime

Pritësve në Desert Hot Springs u kërkohet të shtojnë lejen për qiradhënie për pushime në listimin në Airbnb ose të kërkojnë një përjashtim.

  1. Kliko Listimet dhe zgjidh listimin që do të modifikosh
  2. Nën Modifikuesi i listimit, kliko Modifiko preferencat
  3. Kliko Rregulloret dhe plotëso informacionin e kërkuar

Mund të shtosh një numër lejeje ose të kërkosh një përjashtim për hotelin (nëse vlen për listimin tënd).

Additional information


The Vacation Rental Permit fee is dependent on your rental type.

  • General Rental Fee: $1241.81
  • Primary Residence Vacation Rental Fee: $931.75
  • Homeshare Vacation Rental Fee: $620.90

The Vacation Rental Permit is non-transferable

A Vacation Rental Permit and accompanying business license shall be valid for one (1) year and renewed on an annual basis in order to remain valid.


A Vacation Rental Permit and accompanying business license renewal application shall be submitted to the City no earlier than sixty (60) calendar days but no later than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the permit's expiration date. Failure to renew a vacation rental permit as prescribed in this section may result in the vacation rental permit being terminated.


Desert Hot Springs applies a 12% TOT to various transient accommodations. More information is available in the City Code.

Desert Hot Springs assesses tourist taxes on any rental of a living or sleeping accommodation for periods of 28 consecutive calendar days or less.

Other contracts and rules

It's also important to understand and abide by other contracts or rules that bind you, such as leases, condo board or co-op rules, HOA rules, or rules established by tenant organizations. Please read your lease agreement and check with your landlord if applicable.

Our commitment to your community

We are committed to working with local officials to clarify how local rules impact the community. We will continue to advocate for changes that will enable people to rent out their homes.

A të erdhi në ndihmë ky artikull?

Artikuj të ngjashëm

Kërko ndihmë për rezervimet, llogarinë e më shumë.
Hyr ose regjistrohu