
Rodney's Bait n Tackle

rekomandohet nga 60 vendas,
598 Stirling Hwy
Mosman Park, WA

Sugjerime nga vendasit

June 16, 2019
Rodney's is a relaxed bar and music venue just two train stops away. Great bar food that includes Taco Tuesdays, Thursday Fish and Chips, and Happy Hour 5-6pm weekdays.
November 9, 2016
Ahoy ahoy, all aboard this ship has just started sailing in Mosman Park and buoy oh buoy…it’s a ripper! Everything from the tables and chairs, the fixtures on the ceiling and the enormous boat that is in the middle of the bar is on point. The long list of wines, beers and small array of cocktails. Hands down, one of the best new bars in Perth!
December 14, 2018
Pretty cool bar, small, quirky and close by
March 15, 2018
Wednesday evenings there is a cool live Jazz band playing 7-10pm, lovely tapas style food drinks, there is a real old fishing boat for the bar, and the interior is all things nautical !
November 25, 2016
Themed bar with a boat inside and very fun vibe. Live music on many nights

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