Black Duck Multiplarte

rekomandohet nga 9 vendas,
Mbyllur përgjithmonë
9 Christou Lada

Sugjerime nga vendasit

March 25, 2017
Former Member
April 14, 2018
Black Duck multiplarte is a cozy space on three levels in the centre of Athens, with a café, restaurant, bar and gallery, an ideal meeting point for city lovers. Open from 9 in the morning until late at night, this venue is popular with those who like to listen to classical music while eating breakfast and reading the newspaper, for a relaxing lunch break with a snack and jazz music, or visiting the art exhibitions which are held regularly. In the evenings, djs play rock and roll and meals are served until 1 in the morning.
Black Duck multiplarte is a cozy space on three levels in the centre of Athens, with a café, restaurant, bar and gallery, an ideal meeting point for city lovers. Open from 9 in the morning until late at night, this venue is popular with those who like to listen to classical music while eating break…

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