Galeri artesh

Ukranian Institute of Modern Art

rekomandohet nga 38 vendas,

Sugjerime nga vendasit

Iryna & Sean
January 12, 2018
Modern Art from Ukrainian Artists
November 8, 2019
The Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art is a modern art museum serving the Chicago area with an ongoing program of cultural exhibitions, literary events, film screenings and music recitals.
April 20, 2016
Small, but well-curated modern art museum featuring Ukrainian artists and a frequently-rotating display. It's free but has some limited hours.
August 24, 2014
Regarded as one of the best neighborhood museums in the city, it exhibits work by contemporary artists as well as members of the Ukranian diaspora.
January 12, 2020
A recent exhibit at this eccentric little gallery showcased works by people with neuropsychiatric disorders. Before going inside, pause to admire the curving façade by noted architect Stanley Tigerman.

Aktivitete unike në afërsi

Krijimi i aromës së nënshkrimit për burrat dhe gratë
Eksploro ambientet e brendshme të arkitekturës Dazzling të Çikagos
Turneu nëntokësor i Çikagos dhe sekretet e tjera në këmbë

Vendasit rekomandojnë edhe

2320 W Chicago Ave
Chicago, IL
West Town