Pikë interesi

Kenilworth Cheese, Wine and Food Fest

rekomandohet nga 14 vendas,
Mbyllur përgjithmonë
9 Elizabeth St
Kenilworth, QLD

Sugjerime nga vendasit

November 7, 2018
World class cheese and wines.
December 6, 2019
Head to the Kenilworth Cheese, Food and Wine Festival at Easter, for a fantastic foodie festival.
October 29, 2019
Every Easter Saturday, Kenilworth goes off with the food festival... well worth the drive, but get there early to get a good parking space. Vibrant and worth visiting every year.
March 15, 2021
Apart from the festival which is awesome, Kenilworth is worth a visit. Kenilworth Cheese Factory has tastings too
August 29, 2019
Go for a relaxing drive into the scenic hinterland and stop off at the Cheese factory in Kenilworth Many local cheeses to delight the palate . Free tasting or yo can enjoy a meal in this quaint little town.

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