
Os Amigos Da Severa

rekomandohet nga 19 vendas,
32 R. Capelão
Lisboa, Lisboa

Sugjerime nga vendasit

April 10, 2018
The best Ginjinha bar in Lisbon! Ginjinha is a Portuguese liqueur made by ginja berries, and in this very place, before it was a bar, the famous Rainha do Fado (Queen of Fado), Amália Rodrigues, was born. Fado is the soul of Portuguese music, traditional, here in Portugal.
August 12, 2021
To drink the best cherry (typical portuguese drink) in Lisbon with Mr. António.
May 19, 2017
Typical little bar to have a drink
September 1, 2016
Bar where you can taste the delicious Portuguese traditional snacks in a true Fado atmosphere
October 26, 2017
"For us the best place to drink the famous "ginjinha" Tips: Open everyday after 4pm until 2 am, is not the most fragrant place in the world, it is to buy the "ginjinha" and drink in the street always :)

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