
Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson State Historic Site

rekomandohet nga 22 vendas,
8884 St Phillips Rd SE
Winnabow, NC

Sugjerime nga vendasit

August 15, 2019
Early colonial settlement
September 26, 2022
Great waterfront historic site that has a museum, ruins from the first European settlers in the area and a lovely waterfront boardwalk. It’s a free historic site that provides information about the earliest tribes and settlers in the local area.
May 4, 2019
Interesting historical site with great scenery
April 18, 2022
Be careful with Google Maps going here- it takes you down restricted roads - they nice secuirty folks will turn you around - but follow the signs for this not just Google.
Brunswick Vacation Rentals
May 10, 2022
Brunswick Town and Fort Anderson were founded in 1726 and burned by the British in 1776. The state historic site has been excavated, revealing much of the life in this colonial town. A museum displays artifacts gathered from the ruins. Ruins include St. Philips's Church, the home of two royal governors and the earthen mounds of the confederate Fort Anderson. Free admission
Brunswick Town and Fort Anderson were founded in 1726 and burned by the British in 1776. The state historic site has been excavated, revealing much of the life in this colonial town. A museum displays artifacts gathered from the ruins. Ruins include St. Philips's Church, the home of two royal govern…

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