Dyqan dhuratash

Van der Pigge

rekomandohet nga 11 vendas,
3 Gierstraat
Haarlem, NH

Sugjerime nga vendasit

June 27, 2015
old drugstore, with beautiful interior. Great place for any natural health products and a bag of old fashioned Dutch drop.
Thijs & Fleur
February 18, 2020
Maybe not the first place you would visit, but trust me it is worth a visit. In 1849, Antonie van der Pigge opened his "affair in drugstores and spices", today the special drugstore still exists. Try ''zoethout'', delicious candy !
April 3, 2015
Very old traditional pharmacy
December 19, 2014
Caught a flu? Or a nasty headache? This pharmacy is one of the oldest in the country. Worth a visit even when feeling tip-top (which you hopefully will of course).
January 4, 2020
Very old pharmacy, very historic. Nice to pass by if you walking the neighbourhood.

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