
North Bondi Grassy Knoll

rekomandohet nga 14 vendas,

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This is one of the few places in Sydney where you can watch the sun set over the ocean, because the beach is south-facing. The grassy knoll is at the northern end of the beach, at the end of the sand, so you can sit quietly as the golden sun reflects on the water. It’s also protected from the cold, southerly winds during winter. Because it’s such a great spot, it can get very busy. But there’s also a place on the second tier, on the Ramsgate Avenue roadside, that’s always quiet. In summer it’s ideal because there’s lots of shade—a real bonus when it’s extremely hot.
March 11, 2017
North Bondi, NSW

Sugjerime nga vendasit

January 2, 2017
Great spot for a BBQ and to chill and watch the sunset plus you can generally drink alcohol as long as you keep it on the down low (illegal but everyone does it).
December 3, 2016
Be a Bondi local - grab a juice and park yourself on the grass by the beach for an afternoon
November 25, 2016
Check out the free BBQs here to have a BBQ at the beach.
March 4, 2017
Perch yourself on the Grassy Knoll and watch the beachgoers below you on North Bondi beach
January 3, 2018
This is a great spot to do some tanning and people watching. A lovely spot if you wish to be right on the beach, but don't want to deal with the sand in all your stuff!

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