
Dinosaurland Fossil Museum

rekomandohet nga 19 vendas,
Coombe Street
Lyme Regis, England

Sugjerime nga vendasit

July 6, 2022
A mind blowing insight into the beasties that lived here before we did.
March 5, 2022
Fascinating old fashioned museum
April 26, 2014
Quirky little fossil museum situated in the heart of old Lyme.
October 5, 2020
A small but interesting 'wet weather' option, especially popular with children.
October 5, 2022
Dinosaurland Fossil Museum is a private museum which is owned and run by Palaeontologist Steve Davies and his wife Jenny. The museum contains a spectacular collection of the local Jurassic marine fossils. The collection grows each year and is now probably the best fossil collection on public display in SW England. It is a traditional museum using the beauty and majesty of more than 16,000 specimens to show people just how exciting and wonderful the world of fossils and dinosaurs really is.
Dinosaurland Fossil Museum is a private museum which is owned and run by Palaeontologist Steve Davies and his wife Jenny. The museum contains a spectacular collection of the local Jurassic marine fossils. The collection grows each year and is now probably the best fossil collection on public display…

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