Ancient ruins

Panagia of Sintis

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January 1, 2016
Ancient monastery, worth visiting
April 17, 2014
Old little church lost in nature...
November 20, 2019
In the 14th century, «Sintis (Sindes)» was an estate belonging to Gautier De Moine, but during the Ottoman Period it was acquired by Kykkos Monastery where a subsidiary Monastery was founded there for the easier management of the estate. The monastery is located in the Paphos district, southeast of the village of Pentalia. It is built in a valley on the west bank of the Xeropotamos river. The Monastery was visited in 1735 by the Russian monk traveler Vassili Barsky and he described it as follows: "It's a dependency of Kykkos from which a caretaker and Monks are send. At the time I visited, there were three Monks living there. The Monastery could not accept, nor could it have more, because of the Turkish taxes. It has very few fruit trees and two mills, one next to the Monastery, the other in the opposite bank of the river. The Monks have several fields for sowing and some animals. They live from agriculture. It has a large courtyard surrounded by cells. The handsome church with a dome and three doors is built with great skill ". The Monastery remained in operation until 1927. After that date, it was abandoned, and in the early 1950's, all of its property was sold to residents of the neighboring villages. The church of the Monastery is dedicated to the Virgin Mary (Panagia) and has an octagonal dome with 4 windows. The abandonment of the monastery in recent years has led to the gradual collapse of several parts of the unit and the church lost all of its decorations. In 1994 the Monastery of Kykkos started the maintenance of the Monastery which was completed in 1997. That same year, the Monastery of the Virgin Mary of Sinti was awarded the honorary diploma Europa Nostra 1997, for the use of good restoration techniques and for preserving the original character of the ruins.
In the 14th century, «Sintis (Sindes)» was an estate belonging to Gautier De Moine, but during the Ottoman Period it was acquired by Kykkos Monastery where a subsidiary Monastery was founded there for the easier management of the estate. The monastery is located in the Paphos district, southeast of…
Former Member
September 23, 2019
Panagia tou Sinti Monastery Panagia Tou Sinti Monastery is an amazing abandoned monastery that is located on the banks of the river Xeros in the Paphos region. This central nave of the Panagia Tou Sinit Monastery dates back to the 16th century and is still today in excellent condition mainly due to some excellent restoration work. Its one of the most important buildings of the Venetian period in Cyprus. It received the Europa Nostra award for the restoration and conservation work that has been carried out. The monastery was restored by UNESCO and is today a World Cultural Heritage Site. Builded on the banks of the river Xeros, the Panagia Tou Sinti Monastery is surrounded by some of the most unspoiled lands on the island of Cyprus and it's great for photographs and relaxes.
Panagia tou Sinti Monastery Panagia Tou Sinti Monastery is an amazing abandoned monastery that is located on the banks of the river Xeros in the Paphos region. This central nave of the Panagia Tou Sinit Monastery dates back to the 16th century and is still today in excellent condition mainly due to…

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Pentalia, Paphos