Bar kafe

Noah's Yard

rekomandohet nga 19 vendas,
38 Uplands Cres
Uplands, Wales

Sugjerime nga vendasit

January 24, 2016
Really nice pub, lovely atmosphere and a bit quirky
July 22, 2018
A decent bar in Uplands which is withing walking distance or short taxi from the property.
April 13, 2022
Uplands Crescent. Famous for its changeable sign outside. This place is great but it's super popular so can be busy. Jazz night every Monday, Chess night every Tuesday, I believe. Nice vibes.
July 21, 2022
Wine bar with Jazz on a Monday night and Chess on a Tuesday night. There is a Vietnamese restaurant nextdoor, you can grab a takeaway and eat it in the bar.
August 19, 2019
Cocktails, Monday night Jazz, pop-up kitchens and a great outdoor space to watch the world go by.

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