Bar kafe

Rusty Mullet

rekomandohet nga 20 vendas,
Mbyllur përgjithmonë
1708 N Las Palmas Ave
Los Angeles, CA
Central LA

Sugjerime nga vendasit

August 18, 2015
Local and famous dive bar. 50 varieties of shots. Buy one get one drink for $1.
October 29, 2014
Fun Tourist/Hollywood Blvd Bar
May 27, 2014
Like open space and open seating? Check out the Rusty Mullet and have a couple drinks while watching other people pass by.
January 16, 2018
Upbeat, brick-lined bar features 50 specialty shots, oversized burgers & wall-to-wall flat-screens.
November 2, 2017
Right on the Hollywood Boulevard, great people watching

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