
US Navy Seabee Museum

rekomandohet nga 9 vendas,
3201 N Ventura Rd
Port Hueneme, CA

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Cristina And Kris
April 28, 2018
Port Hueneme is a navy town and has a lot of history.
April 16, 2022
The mission of the U.S. Navy Seabee Museum is to select, collect, preserve and display historic material relating to the history of the Naval Construction Force, better known as the Seabees. The mission of the U.S. Navy Seabee Museum is to select, collect, preserve and display historic material relating to the history of the Naval Construction Force, better known as the Seabees. In January will be the first of many new and exciting programs such as an education initiative creating new curricula, lecture series, family day activities, and other fun family events. In addition to the new galleries opening, a youth orientated STEM Center (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math.)
The mission of the U.S. Navy Seabee Museum is to select, collect, preserve and display historic material relating to the history of the Naval Construction Force, better known as the Seabees. The mission of the U.S. Navy Seabee Museum is to select, collect, preserve and display historic material rela…

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