
Cosmic Diner

rekomandohet nga 9 vendas,
1 Jl. Bypass Ngurah Rai
Kecamatan Denpasar Selatan, Bali

Sugjerime nga vendasit

February 15, 2019
Food and interior in the style of America 70s
Maviba Villas And Resorts
December 29, 2014
its vintage with interior retro restaurant, for dinner or just have big burger is a mus to visit just on the corner Sunset Star Mall
June 18, 2014
A throw back to 50s era in the US. It plays old classic 50s music, and it serves food typically served in diners in the US. The burgers are good, but I typically come here for the breakfast.
March 14, 2014
A throw back to 50s era in the US. It plays old classic 50s music, and it serves food typically served in diners in the US. The burgers are good, but I typically come here for the breakfast.

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