
World Peace Garden

rekomandohet nga 1 vendas,
6 S Hill Park
London, England

Sugjerime nga vendasit

January 23, 2019
Between the generous expanse of Hampstead Heath and the bustle of Royal Free Hospital is a small garden with noble ambitions. The World Peace Garden actually does fulfil its name, it's a really peaceful woodland glade with three ponds and a wishing well. Residents and traders are responsible for rescuing what had been a waste ground area alongside Hampstead Railway Station for over a century, their words and hopes are immortalised in glass and ceramic tiles running across a wall. The garden is also a venue for tea parties, puppetry shows, jazz evenings and regular chess tournaments.
Between the generous expanse of Hampstead Heath and the bustle of Royal Free Hospital is a small garden with noble ambitions. The World Peace Garden actually does fulfil its name, it's a really peaceful woodland glade with three ponds and a wishing well. Residents and traders are responsible for res…

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