
Monadnock Building

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June 2, 2013
The Monadnock building is the tallest building supported entirely by a brick frame (not steel and concrete). While there, check out Intelligentsia Coffee: 6am-6pm Monday-Friday 8am-4pm Saturday
April 4, 2017
This elegant turn of the century skyscraper is my favorite building in Chicago. It is the tallest load-bearing brick structure in the world.
July 19, 2015
Beautiful early skyscraper built by Daniel Burnham.

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Eksploro ambientet e brendshme të arkitekturës Dazzling të Çikagos
Turneu nëntokësor i Çikagos dhe sekretet e tjera në këmbë
Krijimi i aromës së nënshkrimit për burrat dhe gratë
53 W Jackson Blvd
Chicago, IL
Chicago Loop