Vend historik

Washington D.C. Temple & Visitors' Center

rekomandohet nga 11 vendas,

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October 31, 2019
The Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints is a beautiful place to visit during the holiday season. The entire space is decorated with lights and beautiful landscaping.
September 8, 2014
An extraordinary building and anchor to Mormons in this area.
Paul And Fanny
December 7, 2014
A beautiful building to see especially during the Holidays.
July 17, 2014
The Mormon Temple hosts a Christmas Lights festival during the holiday season. Includes a live manger scene and vistor center tour.
December 2, 2014
If you've ever driven around the north side of the beltway, you've seen the Mormon church rising above the tree-line, with it's white walls and gold spires.

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