Pika referimi

Miradouro da Penha de Franca

rekomandohet nga 19 vendas,
Rua Marques da Silva
Lisboa, Lisboa

Sugjerime nga vendasit

May 22, 2018
Me and my kids call it "bom dia Lisboa" (hello Lisbon) because every day we greet our city from that beautiful spot.
October 1, 2018
Enjoy this hidden Gem in Lisbon with amazing views without the tourist crowds! :)
March 9, 2016
Unforgettable view either to the Tagus Valley with the horizon to be lost in the Atlantic Ocean, or to the opposite sides, seeing the Alto de São João, and much of the two banks of the river.
September 16, 2016
Another beautiful view point over Lisbon and the river. The baroque church across - Igreja da Nossa Senhora da Penha de França - it is worth a visit.

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Kjo është SINTRA - një ditë për t 'u mbajtur mend !
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