
Bob & Edith's Diner

rekomandohet nga 63 vendas,
2310 Columbia Pike
Arlington, VA
Columbia Heights

Sugjerime nga vendasit

March 22, 2021
"This is the best valued quality breakfast in Arlington hands down. I hope it retains its charm forever. Corn beef hash, 2 eggs over medium, wheat toast, hash browns and a heaping cup of coffee is perfect any time of the day. Did I mention 24hrs?! True diner style."
May 6, 2018
A dive restaurant that's great for late night eats! Get the steak and cheese and you will not be disappointed! I'm sure the rest of the food is quality too but, I usually go for a late night steak and cheese. Its a winner every time.
February 8, 2017
Bob and Edith's diner is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and has been around for over 40 years, which is a very long time for restaurants in this area. I used to eat there regularly, and its very affordably-priced. It's the classic greasy-spoon type of diner that is extremely informal.
March 23, 2016
Old-style diner. Noisy, busy, open 24 hours. Fun if you're in the mood.
Heather & Tyler
July 3, 2015
traditional 24 hour diner!

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