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Boston, MA

As an Airbnb host, it’s important for you to understand your local laws. We provide a platform and marketplace, but we don’t provide legal advice. Even so, we want to share some info to help you understand laws and other rules that relate to short-term rentals in Boston. The information in this article isn’t exhaustive, but it should help you start your research on local laws. If you have questions, contact the Boston Licensing Board, Inspectional Services Department, or other city agencies directly, or consult a local lawyer or tax professional.

Registration requirements

Anyone who hosts short-term stays (28 days or less) in Boston is required to register as a short-term rental operator with the city. If you host in Boston, you’ll need to complete both the Boston registration requirements and the Massachusetts Department of Revenue requirements in order to comply.

Step 1: Check your eligibility

You can check your eligibility and start the registration process on the city’s website. If your property is not eligible as a short-term rental, you can switch to long-term stays if you’d like to keep hosting. Listings that host only long-term stays (29 days or more) aren’t required to register as a short-term rental operator, but may be subject to the city’s long-term rental registry and other associated rules.

A few listing types are exempt from registering as short-term rentals. If your listing is exempt, you don’t need to register, but will still need to claim an exemption through Airbnb to keep hosting.

  • Hotels and motels (including boutique hotels and motels)
  • Units used for furnished institutional or business stays
  • Units that have contracts with hospitals

It’s important to note: licensed lodging, B&Bs, executive suites, and corporate apartments are not exempt. If you host one of these spaces, you’ll need to follow the short-term rental registration process outlined below.

Step 2: Get a short-term rental license

Aside from the exemptions above, short-term rental hosts in Boston need a short-term rental license number–this is required by the city. You can apply for one on the city’s website.

The website will ask you to pick a category type for your listing:

  • Home Share Units: Entire primary home listings where the host is not present during the stay
  • Limited Share: Shared/private rooms where the host is present during the stay
  • Owner-Adjacent: A full unit in the same 2-3 unit property where the host also resides

In addition, to verify your primary residence, you’ll be asked to upload two documents of your choice. Simply take a photo of each document, save them to your desktop, and click Choose a file to attach each one to your application. Here’s a list of options:

  • Proof of residential exemption
  • Utility bill
  • Voter registration
  • Motor vehicle registration
  • Deed
  • Driver's license or state-issued identification

If you’re a renter, you’ll also need to attach a letter of consent from your landlord.

Registration costs

Short-term rental registration costs $200 for Home Share Units and Owner Adjacent Units, and $25 for Limited Share Units and is good for one year.

After the city processes your application, you’ll receive a registration number via email which you’ll need to add to your listing on Airbnb. This process could take a few days.

Step 3: Add your registration number to your listing

Next, you’ll need to add your license number to your listing o your listing to finalize your registration with the city. For Boston, be sure to your short term rental registration (STR) number as soon as you get it, and include the “STR” prefix followed by the six numbers (STR-000000).

Step 4: Get a business certificate

Once you receive your short-term rental license, you can apply for your business certificate from the City Clerk’s Office via mail or in person. It takes 1-2 weeks to receive your certificate if you apply by mail; you’ll get your certificate immediately if you go in person. As long as you have a short-term rental license, you can continue to host while you wait for your business certificate.

You’ll also need to get the signature on your application notarized, which can be done at the City Clerk’s Office. The business certificate costs $65 for Massachusetts residents and $100 for non-residents and is good for 4 years.

Note: It’s important you get your rental license (Step 2) before applying for the business license. The city will check for your rental license when they process your business certificate application.

Step 5: Neighbor notification

Once you register, you can use the city’s mailing tool to notify your neighbors that your listing is registered as a short-term rental. You’ll need to send notifications within 30 days of registering.

Zoning Code

The Boston Zoning Code provides guidance for regulation of uses in Boston neighborhoods. Consult Article 2 of the Zoning Code to determine whether your listing might implicate any zoning definitions. Important definitions include "use," "accessory use," "dwelling," "lodging house," "boarding house," and "family."


The City of Boston excise and convention center taxes (together known as room occupancy taxes) may apply to your listing. Refer to the Massachusetts Room Occupancy Tax Guide for more details. In addition, the Massachusetts excise tax may also apply. Refer to Section 64G(3) of the State Tax Code.

As of July 1, 2019, Massachusetts state law requires certain intermediaries to collect and remit these taxes to the appropriate parties. As a result, Airbnb will collect and remit these taxes for short-term rental hosts in Boston. In addition, Massachusetts state law requires that you register with the State’s Department of Revenue–you can learn more here.

Other rules

It's also important to understand and abide by other contracts or rules that bind you, such as leases, condo board or co-op rules, HOA rules, or rules established by tenant organizations. Please read your lease agreement and check with your landlord if applicable.

Our commitment to your community

We are committed to working with local officials to help them understand how Airbnb benefits our community. Where needed, we will continue to advocate for changes that will allow regular people to rent out their own homes.

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