Si ta raportoj diskriminimin në Airbnb?
Airbnb’s nondiscrimination policy was created to protect our community, and we take reports of discrimination very seriously.
To report content from Airbnb profiles, listings, or messages that you believe violates our nondiscrimination policy, click or tap the flag icon .
To report a message while using the Airbnb app, tap the more icon , then tap Report.
To report an in-person incident, or to send a detailed report, contact us. Please provide specific details and identify the person you believe has violated the nondiscrimination policy.
Note: In an emergency, or if your personal safety is threatened, contact local police or emergency services immediately.
What we do with reports
Our community support team investigates reports and may follow up for additional documentation. If needed, we’ll also offer personalized, hands-on booking support to find you a different place to stay.
If someone has violated our nondiscrimination policy we will take corrective action. This can include warnings, suspension, or account removal.
Please note that, for privacy reasons, we’re unable to share the outcomes of these investigations.
Artikuj të ngjashëm
- Pritës përvoje
Përvojat që përfshijnë transportin në Kinë
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