Vend argëtimi

Purrington's Cat Lounge

rekomandohet nga 17 vendas,
Mbyllur përgjithmonë
3529 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
Portland, OR

Sugjerime nga vendasit

September 16, 2017
who doesn't love a cat on your lap while you drink your coffee?
November 20, 2015
cat cafe. Pet cats while you have coffee.
October 5, 2015
Cats up for adoption and cuddles
December 30, 2019
Miss your cat while you're on vacation? Hang out with adoptable cats to get your snuggles in while you have a coffee or beer.
April 19, 2015
Only cat cafe in town. If you love kitties and want to snuggle them while you sip coffee, this is the place to go.

Aktivitete unike në afërsi

Multnomah Zen, një përvojë piktoreske me katër ujëvara
Seminar për dizajnin e aromave
Mësimet e xhamit të fillestarëve në Portland, Oregon

Vendasit rekomandojnë edhe