
Osteria Dei Pugni

rekomandohet nga 18 vendas,
2836 Fondamenta Gherardini
Venezia, Veneto

Sugjerime nga vendasit

March 19, 2019
Ideal for a quick and good lunch! Meatballs are wonderful!
July 19, 2015
Here you can find typical cicheti Very good spritz and delicious "polpette alle melanzane" (meatball with aubergines)
December 28, 2018
Little typical tavern where you can enjoy a good lunch and a good glass of wine. Smart prices. There are few tables, but if you don't find a place we recommend to stop by to drink a wine and to taste a meatball!
Giulia E Virginia
March 22, 2016
Good selection of wines
January 6, 2016
Nice Osteria with typical cicheti, wine and familiar athmosphere, fair prices.

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