
Batik Painting Museum Penang

rekomandohet nga 8 vendas,
19 Lebuh Armenian
George Town, Pulau Pinang

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August 31, 2016
There are around 80 batik paintings being exhibited in the museum. The Museum showcases the earliest batik paintings done in the 1950s by the 'Father of Batik Painting' Chuah Thean Teng in Penang and the subsequent works by other Malaysian artists. Currently there are now 80 batik paintings by 25 artists in display. A small international section is included. Visitors will be able to view an excellent collection of magnificent batik paintings not to be seen anywhere else. References : Wikipedia
There are around 80 batik paintings being exhibited in the museum. The Museum showcases the earliest batik paintings done in the 1950s by the 'Father of Batik Painting' Chuah Thean Teng in Penang and the subsequent works by other Malaysian artists. Currently there are now 80 batik paintings by 25 ar…

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