
Rimsky-Korsakoffee House

rekomandohet nga 56 vendas,
707 SE 12th Ave
Portland, OR
Southeast Portland

Sugjerime nga vendasit

Eline + Richie
February 13, 2022
Very quirky, very Portland spot to enjoy live music and dessert.
September 15, 2019
Rimsky-Korsakoffee House: Rich desserts. Pinkie-lifting teas & coffees. Classical musicians & furniture often perform live. Just prepare for: odd hours, cash payment, relaxed-pace service, off-season decorations. And, um, an intriguing bathroom. (707 SE 12th Ave)
October 9, 2017
Desserts with delicious drinks while listening to music sometimes played by members of the symphony in a super old funky house. You must check out the bathroom.
October 2, 2015
Good late night desert date spot that is an old school (90s era) Portland eclectic magic
June 2, 2021
There are a few tables that slowly go up and down and turn. Ask for that and don’t tell your other guests and watch them reach for their coffee or dessert only to have it turn to the other side. Super fun!!

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