Sugjerimet do të shfaqen pasi të kesh shkruar të dhënat e kërkimit. Përdor shigjetat lart e poshtë për t'i shqyrtuar. Shtyp "enter" për të zgjedhur. Nëse përzgjedhja është një frazë, kjo frazë do të dërgohet për kërkim. Nëse sugjerimi është një link, shfletuesi do të shkojë në atë faqe.
Si të veproj

Sa kohë ke për të shkruar një recension

Ready to share about how things went? To keep reviews fair, both Hosts and guests have a time limit for leaving reviews.

When you can leave a review

In general, you have 14 days after checkout to write a review for a stay and 30 days to leave a review after an Experience. Once both you and your Host have written reviews for each other, both reviews will be published and the time limit will end.

You should receive an email to leave a review on the morning of checkout (based on the place’s timezone). The 14-day time limit (or 30-day time limit for Experiences) starts then.

Guests and Hosts can also leave a review for certain reservations that are canceled on or after the day of check-in (12:00 AM in the listing's timezone). If you cancel the reservation before the original checkout time, but the check-in time has already passed, you will get the option to leave a review the day after the cancellation.

Note: If your reservation dates are changed after the review emails are sent, the time limit to leave a review won’t be adjusted.

Changing a review within the time limit

Still in the review period and want to make changes? Find out how to edit reviews. Keep in mind that you can’t make changes once both you and your Host have published reviews.

Kontrollo nëse mund të shkruash ende një recension

  1. Shko te Recensionet
  2. Zgjidh Recensionet që ke bërë
  3. Kontrollo nëse rezervimi është te Recensione për të shkruar apo Recensione të skaduara

Late reviews

Our review system is automated, so we’re unable to make any exceptions for reviews 14 days after a stay or 30 days after an Experience. If you'd still like to thank your Host or give them helpful feedback about your stay, you can send them a message.

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